
進修 英文分享-學英文絕對不能只記單字

從小到大 我們都被教導著:『英文很重要』
於是我們努力的唸英文 學習英文,甚至覺得學英文只為了考試!?
我想學習英文不應該只是為了應付考試,進修 英文還有很多非常重要的功能,
大家千萬不要只記得「考試」,考試測驗只是一種練習方法 絕對不是學英文的目的。

出國溝通無障礙 進修 英文
提升國際競爭力 進修 英文
求職、職場佔上風 進修 英文
順利畢業好升學 進修 英文

學的更快,學的更多,就是自我成進修 英文長的動力!

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希望這篇文章除了進修 英文外 能夠順利幫助到你找到真正的學習方式,一定可以 加油!


進修 英文分享-學英文絕對不能只記單字

你知道大名鼎鼎的股神華倫巴菲特每天都帶便當上班嗎?他又是如何一步步登上世界首富的地位呢?進修 英文以下請看這位傳奇人物的介紹。
A man gets up at six in the morning, prepares breakfast, packs a lunch, gets in his car and drives to the office just like he’s done every day for over half a century. He lives in a mid-sized, five-bedroom house, bought for a modest $31,500 in 1958, when homes were still affordable. Sound unusual? Not really. But here’s where the story gets interesting. In 2007, this same man pledges $30.7 billion to charity, making it the largest single donation in history. Who is this person? He’s Warren Buffett. Called the “Oracle of Omaha,” he breaks the mold when it comes to business tycoons.
Warren Buffett was born on August 30th, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska. As a boy, he worked in his grandfather’s corner store, running the cash register, stocking shelves and keeping the front sidewalk swept clean. It was during this time that young Warren started to cut his teeth in business. In 1943, at the age of 13, he filled out his first income tax return, deducting his watch and bicycle as business expenses for his paper route. Two years later, Warren pooled his savings with a classmate to buy a pinball machine. Placing it inside a neighborhood barbershop, he embarked on what would prove to be one of the most lucrative investing careers of our era, or any other. A little over 60 years later, Warren Buffett would be worth $62 billion. He’d also be the richest person in the world.
華倫巴菲特在一九三○年八月三十日出生於內布拉斯加州的奧馬哈。他小時在祖父的街角小店工作,負責收銀、進修 英文貨物上架及維持店前人行道清潔。小華倫就是在那段時間開始學習做生意。一九四進修 英文三年,年僅十三歲的他便首度申報所得稅,把他購買手錶和自行車的費用列為送報工作的營業支出扣除。兩年後,華倫拿存款和同學合資買了一台彈珠台。他把機器放置在住家附近的理髮店,展開我們這個年代-或任何年代皆是-最有賺頭的投資生涯之一。六十多年後,華倫巴菲特的身價高達六百二十億美元,也成為世界首富。

進修 英文【實用字彙】

charity (n.) 慈善,慈善事業

donation (n.) 捐獻,捐款

expense (n.) 支出,開支

embark (on) (v.) 開始,著手進行你知道大名鼎鼎的股神華倫巴菲特每天都帶便當上班嗎?他又是如何一步步登上世界首富的地位呢?進修 英文以下請看這位傳奇人物的介紹。
A man gets up at six in the morning, prepares breakfast, packs a lunch, gets in his car and drives to the office just like he’s done every day for over half a century. He lives in a mid-sized, five-bedroom house, bought for a modest $31,500 in 1958, when homes were still affordable. Sound unusual? Not really. But here’s where the story gets interesting. In 2007, this same man pledges $30.7 billion to charity, making it the largest single donation in history. Who is this person? He’s Warren Buffett. Called the “Oracle of Omaha,” he breaks the mold when it comes to business tycoons.
有個男人在清晨六點起床,準備早餐,把午餐包好,坐進車子,開車前往辦公室,一如他半個世紀以來每天的例行進修 英文公事。他住在一個中等坪數,有五個臥房的屋子,是一九五八年以區區三萬一千五百美元買來的,當年住家還在一般人買得起的價格。聽來非比尋常?不盡然,但故事有趣的地方在後頭。二○○七年,這個男人承諾捐出三百零七億美元用於慈善,創下史上最大單筆捐款紀錄。這個人是誰?他是華倫巴菲特。被喻為「奧馬哈先知」的他,打破了商業大亨的既定形象。
Warren Buffett was born on August 30th, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska. As a boy, he worked in his grandfather’s corner store, running the cash register, stocking shelves and keeping the front sidewalk swept clean. It was during this time that young Warren started to cut his teeth in business. In 1943, at the age of 13, he filled out his first income tax return, deducting his watch and bicycle as business expenses for his paper route. Two years later, Warren pooled his savings with a classmate to buy a pinball machine. Placing it inside a neighborhood barbershop, he embarked on what would prove to be one of the most lucrative investing careers of our era, or any other. A little over 60 years later, Warren Buffett would be worth $62 billion. He’d also be the richest person in the world.
華倫巴菲特在一九三○年八月三十日出生於內布拉斯加州的奧馬哈。他小時在祖父的街角小店工作,負責收銀、貨物上架及維持店前人行道清潔。小華倫就是在那段時間開始學習做生意。一九四三年,年僅十三歲的他便首度申報所得稅,把他購買手錶和自行車的費用列為送報工作的營業支出扣除。兩年後,華倫拿存款和同學合資買了一台彈珠台。他把機器放置在住家附近的理髮店,展開我們這個年代-或任何年代皆是-最有賺頭的投資生涯之一。六十多年後,華倫巴菲特的身價高達六百二十億美元,也進修 英文成為世界首富。

進修 英文【實用字彙】

charity (n.) 慈善,慈善事業

donation (n.) 捐獻,捐款

expense (n.) 支出,開支

embark (on) (v.) 開始,著手進行英文是當前通用語言,相關能力的培養非常重要。一名網友在「批踢踢WomenTalk版」發文,表示自己出社會後不常開口,會用到的英文也不常見,大多都是固定重複的專業單字;如果...她想加強語文能力,應該從那些管道從手呢?
女網友在文中寫道,自己出社會後不常說英文,但以後轉路線可能是加分的關鍵;她並透露,自己程度「大概就近乎零的口說能力,以及高中英文程度的筆試能力,該找哪種類型的方式學習進修 英文會比較有成果?」女網友也擔心,如果跑去上補習班,又怕只有自己年紀偏大,加上線上的學習教材不便宜,「如果登上去都是外國人,真不知道該說什麼能說什麼…」
也有網友殘酷地說:「學習哪有在擔心什麼年紀大不大」、「通常會問這種問題的,都不會學的好」、「光看最後3句…可以預想你根本沒心要學啊 = =」

    進修 英文

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